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TCFP30: What’s been happening?

by | Jun 6, 2018 | General News

It feels like it’s been a while since I penned a general TCFP update. The sun is shining as I stare out over Epping Forest so here goes…

Siobhan and Lainey have completed a year at TCFP, what a boon they have been. Alan is settling in nicely and it’ll soon be a year since Mark and Ian joined us as planners.

All are well advanced in their understanding of the TCFP way, something that’s very different to traditional IFAs so takes some getting used to.

We’ve been (and remain) busy tweaking the way we “look”. This started with a refreshed website (take a look HERE) and continues with new guides, LinkedIn activity etc.

And we’re also changing how we keep you updated, informed and, maybe, entertained. Very simply, we’ll be emailing every Sunday afternoon and sticking to one topic at a time.

Each month you can expect to receive some sort of ranty / pithy / thoughtful / off beam missive from me.

We will follow that with Nick Murray’s Client Corner. That will help bring us back into balance given they are well thought out, watertight and helpful. You see the yin and yang in those first two emails?

Then there will probably be a more technical piece to do with planning. And a guest blog from people we read, like and think can enhance your well being one way or another.

Mixed into these will be the odd client story. These might be about odd clients but, more likely, sporadic. CLICK HERE to read the first about Graham and Bill the bulldog.

And so, this is the first email in the cycle. It’s a pithy one in case you hadn’t noticed.

And there we go, the world is good, our clients are great and my colleagues amazing. Now we just need to find eleven Englishmen who know one end of a cricket bat from another.

Have a great June.

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