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TCFP26: Is dental hygiene the key to great results for clients?

by | Jan 31, 2018 | General News

Just this morning I realised that I always start brushing my teeth along my bottom, left, inside jaw.

Without fail, every time.

You might now be reaching up with an invisible toothbrush and opening your mouth. Be careful if you’re in company, you’re looking a bit odd.

Back to my morning ablutions – now and then, when I’m showering, brushing my teeth etc., an amazing thought pops into my head. Out of nowhere and for no discernible reason.

Not that they are all sensible, actionable or desirable, but they are always new and often very helpful.

It also seems to happen when I’m jetlagged, walking the dogs, in Sainsbury’s or reading a book, not every time but sometimes.

I’m sure you’ve experienced the same. When do you have yours?

Why do they happen?

Water from the shower does not stimulate your brain, it’s nothing to do with time of day or what you had for tea.

Nope, it’s in these moments that our minds slow down, we stop our normal, active thinking and give our minds space to “breathe”.

And so it acts in the way it was designed to – instinctively, intuitively, successfully.

So what?

It’s really important that we have these moments. They are vital to our ongoing success.

As Albert Einstein said:

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

Without insights and new thinking we can’t help you think and behave differently.

And that means you won’t stop doing the things that are holding you up.

When all is said and done it is your wellbeing and your sense of a life well lived and of accomplishment that are paramount.

And that’s entirely down to how we and you think and, therefore, behave.

All power to the toothbrush?


future proofing your finances


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