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Good reads 06/23

by | May 28, 2023 | General News

Three articles worth your attention:

Seth Godin – Cultural Distress: Your emotions are always being played by others. Simply recognising that is the first step to freedom?

Ben Carlson – Stock, Bond & Cash Returns Over the Past 95 Years: It’s always good to be reminded that being the owner of the great companies around the world is a great idea if you hope to remain wealthy in the long-term. If that’s not your aim there are endless options available to you.

Morgan Housel – some Things I Think: Take some time to go through this list. There are some absolute belters in there. My personal favourites?

“Past performance increases confidence more than ability.” and “There are two types of people: Those who want to know more and those who want to defend what they already know.” and “The bust is only dangerous if you depend on the boom.”

What are yours?

I hope you enjoy them as I did and that they get you thinking. There’s no progress without new thinking.


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