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Musings 26/4

by | Apr 26, 2023 | General News


Occurring to me recently…

What is a fiver worth?

We talk a lot about value.

But what is a fiver, for example, really worth?

Value is different things to different people.

If you haven’t eaten for a week a fiver could be a lifesaver.


When we disagree

THIS BLOG from Seth Godin got me thinking.

Disagreeing is a healthy, necessary part of the human experience. Our progress to date is founded in disagreement.

But these days it feels like disagreeing with anyone on any topic is unacceptable.

But to progress, as we have for millennia requires disagreement along the way. We simply should accept that somebody somewhere always disagrees

To “out” them for that does no one anywhere any useful service as far as I can tell.


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