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Service vs Battery

by | Apr 10, 2023 | financial planning

We can either batter people until they submit (or unsubscribe) but that feels like an emotional drain but it gets us what what we want – either a customer or a rejection (so we can move on).

Or we can seek to serve, from the very first moment, without prejudice, be only interested in what they want and help them get it.

That second way also gets us what we want and it’s much more pleasant, rewarding and less effort.

In my formative years I used to follow the first path, it was soulless and shallow. The rewards were greater financially but much less rewarding overall.

In our work as financial planners TCFP care only about the second – getting our clients what they want.

We are rewarded handsomely for doing so, way more than just financially.

Caring about others is its own reward, not caring is a millstone.

Just serve, don’t batter.





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