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Musings 14/12

by | Dec 14, 2022 | General News

Some thoughts that occurred to me recently….


Memory is…

…imperfect in so many ways.

In fact, it’s never perfect and can’t be.

We know this already – two people viewing the exact same event will recount it differently hours later.

Neither is wrong, but neither is right either.

This is an uncomfortable truth, one we are generally unwilling to concede.

But why is that?

Is it perhaps because we put so much store in what we remember?

That we are so wedded to it and emotionally invested in memory?

What if we found the humility to admit to ourselves (need anyone else know?) that our memories are not perfect?

How might that work out for us?



Bit by bit humans are moving away from “doing” to “being”.

When we “are” more we create more.

The more creativity there is, the more invention that follows.

The more inventing there is, the more innovation that follows.

The more innovation there is the better everyone and everything’s existence becomes.

Not so many decades ago we, collectively, had a miniscule amount of time to create, we had to “do” all the time just to survive.

That’s why, for centuries, nobody’s lot got that much better.

Now the ability to create is greater than it even has been.

Better and better things are sure to follow.


Boring But Effective | Truthful, Helpful, Kind


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