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Most Read In 2019

by | Dec 22, 2019 | General News

We wrote, published and sent you a whole heap of articles in 2019, covering all manner of topics.

Here are the three that were most read and (dare I suggest?) the most popular:

TCFP41: A Note On Fees What I think and how own approach attempts to make things fair and straightforward…..https://www.townclosefp.co.uk/a-note-onfees/

TCFP42: Possibilism Don’t we owe it to ourselves to, in our own small ways, to back those who believe anything is possible? https://www.townclosefp.co.uk/tcfp42-possibilism/

And, last but not least, Supernova my thoughts about a “star” fund manager, who got too big for his boots aided and abetted by the UK’s two largest advisers who did nothing about it until it was way too late…..https://www.townclosefp.co.uk/st-james-mark-and-neil-the-supernova-to-end-all-supernovas/

I hope you enjoy the re-read.

future proofing your finances


Town Close are expert financial planners. Our goal is the same as yours – to help you do the things that are important to you in the time you have remaining.

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